Sunday, March 21, 2010


If at first glance, this name doesn't conjure up thoughts of a firey, tall, broad shouldered hunk of Scottish man from the 1700's haven't read the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon and are completely missing out on the kind of man you should expect YOUR man to be. LOL. I am in book 3 of the 7 book series and that, my friends, is what occupies my free time lately. Frankly, I'm slightly obsessed and will come up for air again in probably another month or two. See you then Blog stalkers!!
Love, E
P.S. Congrats to real life Jamie on her new baby GIRL!!


Stephanie said...

my heart belongs to jamie!!! love those books, wayyyyy to addicting though lol.
congrats to real life jamie too :D

M said...

Holy Crap, A post!!!! Lol, im loving all the baby girls around, and now there is a new one to dress up!!!

Tiffany said...
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Tiffany said...

Jamie Fraser....yum. I've read them all, I own them all...sigh.

(yes, I deleted the last one...cause aparantly I can't spell)

Janas Bananas said...

I have not even heard of these books...I may have to look into it.

M said...

Jana, Steph has OBVIOUSLY been holding out on you. If I am not mistaken, she OWNS these books. As do us all......muah ha ha.

You NEED them, seriously.

CASSIE said...

I'm with Jana too...
Never even heard of 'em.
Is someone going to slap my wrists!?

CASSIE said...

P.S Thanks for your kind words, from the other day E ;) ♥

Alison said...

Hahaha - look at all the free time you have now that I'm not harassing you daily with my piddley drama! I do believe that I may have to read these books... I'm always game for male distraction that I don't have to get dressed up for ;) Love you :)