Launey said I needed to update my blog so here it is. There has been major drama at our house lately. Not drama I would like to share publically but it has knocked the wind out of me enough to mention that I need a little extra prayer said for my family by you out there in bloggerland. I don't watch soap operas because a) they're stupid and unbelieveable and b) I HAVE ENOUGH DRAMA OF MY OWN!! Through it all I have had my AMAZING friends and extended family who have been at my house when I needed them just because I said I did. I feel so lucky to have such wonderful people in my life.
I think we all go through things in our lives to bring us closer to Heavenly Father and evidently he thought I was too far away. I feel such peace in knowing I'm doing what is right for me and my little family but it's still hard to do. They never taught THIS in Young Women's that's for sure. I guess I should have read the fine print on the "going to Earth" document I signed because I don't think I really knew that this is what it would be like. My best friend always tells me "you can do today". And you know what. She's right.
So here are some of the thoughts that have kept me going lately (can't tell you who said all of them as I don't know). Please post some of your own favorites.
Hugs from here, E
To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did. When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.
Evil multiplies by the response it seeks to provoke, and when I return evil for evil, I endanger corruption myself. The chain of evil is broken for good when a pure and living heart absorbs a hurt and forbears to hurt in return. Deep within every child of God, the light of Christ resides, guiding, comforting, and purifying the heart that turns to Him.-Dennis Rasmussen
To wish that you were someone else is to waste the person that you are.
Some lessons in life cannot be taught. They must be lived to be understood.
If you want something to last forever, you treat it differently.
When we look at a statue of someone great, we think they've got something we don't. We are trained to think that only a tiny percetage of us have the stuff it takes to become a hero. Not many of us will cure any diseases or slay any dragons, but every single one of us, EVERY single one of us is called to be a king, a queen, a hero in our ordinary lives. We don't build statues to worship the exceptional life. We build them to remind ourselves what is possible IN OUR OWN.
Slow Start
1 week ago
aka: Deep Thoughts By Erica Bourne
Dang it, I left my comment when there was only a title posted.
P.S. You are my hero. Seriously.
Oh my Erica. My heart goes out to you. I feel the pain (you are trying to express) that is going on in your heart. Although I do not know the cause of that pain, I want you to know that I am in awe of the strength that you are portraying. I am so inspired by your testimony that our Father in Heaven is real and that he is there through all of this with you. He truly is.
There are two things that come to mind. I just read them on my friend Christal's blog the other day. She is the QUEEN of quotes and has collected them for years. I will share two of them from her blog that just popped into my head as I read your post just now. I hope that they can help you in some small way.
You most definitely can ask for prayers on your family's behalf. I am going to my knees right now.
1."All of us have problems. We face them every day. How grateful I am that we have difficult things to wrestle with.They keep us young...if that is possible. They keep us alive.They keep us going. They keep us humble. They pull us down to our knees to ask the God of Heaven for help in solving them. Be grateful for your problems, and know that somehow there will come a solution." --President Hinckley
2."No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude and humility. All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expand our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God.....and it is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire and which will make us more like our Father and Mother in Heaven." --Orson F. Whitney.
I think the person who told you "you can do today" is a really smart person. Sometimes getting through today is all we need to do and not worry about tomorrow till it comes....Keep holding strong and the sun will shine again..
P.S that last deleted comment was me, I was logged in under my sisters name...Just like to let people know sicen I alway wonder who it was and and why they deleted it, so now you don't have to wonder.. ;) I am a retard I know.. :s
You are definitely in my prayers right now, whatever your trial. You have always stood as an example of strength to me, and now is no exception. Those quotes not only are uplifting you, but they certainly uplifted me, and probably every reader of this blog. I love you, and the Lord loves you! Keep going!
My Granny has a saying on her fridge that says "Tough times don't last. Tough people do. We are tough people!" That is always my mantra when things get difficult for me.
I will definitely be keeping you in my prayers!
You are a powerhouse - that's what you are. You're in your refiners fire. Little 'ah ha' moment for me here - you know how when a piece of metal is heated to be fashioned into something beautiful, it's placed in a fire, and what happens in the process? IT GIVES OFF LIGHT. That's you, even through all of this, you are still filled with light. I see it and selfishly draw strength from it all the time. God knew I needed you, and I thank him all the time.
Ok, before I become a complete puddle, here are a few things read or said to me that have helped me keep on keepin' on:
A life in the service of your husband and children is not a life wasted.
It all doesn't need to be figured out today.
There is a season for everything, a season for growth, a season for blessing others with your harvested blessings, a season for rest, and a season to start fresh.
Stay close to the Lord, stay close to the Lord
There is no doubt, that when the forces of the Evil One would be at their strongest, that the Lord would send forth His strongest, most faithful, loyal diciples so that victory would be a surety. We are they, the ones chosen. We have greatness within us. The Lord knows it - do we?
Love you forever, hugs :)
Jesus said it best, when he said:
"I never said it would be easy...
I only said it would be worth it!"
I hope you continue to receive the peace and strength that you need!
Until then, just know that you are LOVED :)
Awe I am just reading this and I am sorry as I wish I couldn't sent you some extra prayers then.. We will send them to you now though (not that we ever not prayer for you guys, but extra always feels nice. I hope things got better for you and if not that they will. Love you.
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